House X3
Multiple Family Dwelling
Koh Samui, Thailand
French reality television programme 2016
Various magazines
Capturing The Sunset
The starting narrative for the house in Koh Samui was all about capturing the magical sunset of the resort island. This override the fact that there may be the occasional driving rain and that the heat and humidity can weigh a person down – never mind about the nearly vertical site, with the only flat piece of land being the road shoulder.
The upper level of the house became the public face and used for frequent photo-shoots including an eleven part series of a French television reality show in 2016. It was also a popular entertainment area for the owner and tenants.
The lower parts of the house that face the cliff edge is a labyrinth of spaces that are predicated on motion and time. The spaces are designed in a rhythmic narrative, following Kafka’s novelette ‘The Trial’, where the interpretation of spaces are surprising and existential.